Materials by Frankfurt OSI members
- An Introduction to Python and PsychoPy held by Rebecca Mayer & Dominik Kraft
- Talk: An Introduction to open science by Julia Beitner & Elli Zey
Materials of our past workshops / events
- Schedule and Papers of ReproducibiliTea Frankfurt
- Tom Hardwickes Talk “What is this thing called open science” on the 2nd Open Science Day
- Flavio Azevedo’s Talk “FORRT - A Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training” on the 2nd Open Science Day
- Git/GitHub Workshop by Simon Schuge
- Repository for a docker workshop by Peer Herholz
- Felix Schönbrodt’s Talk “How Open Science Can Solve (Parts Of) The Replication Crisis” on the 1st Open Science Day
- Our Open Science Day was accompanied by a poster session. Some of the posters can be founds here: Preregistration Poster
Data Sharing, Privacy and Consent
Informed Consent
According to the Declaration of Helsinki,
§32 For medical research using identifiable human material or data, such as research on material or data contained in biobanks or similar repositories, physicians must seek informed consent for its collection, storage and/or reuse. There may be exceptional situations where consent would be impossible or impracticable to obtain for such research. In such situations the research may be done only after consideration and approval of a research ethics committee.
Most recent EU laws also suggest a strong emphasis on informed consent, although Hessian state laws grant more freedom to academic research.
Inspired by the Ultimate Consent Forms, we have developed a general consent form hopefully sufficient to cover most investigations relevant to conducting psychological and neurocognitive experiments.
You can download the form here.
Appropriate Formats
A guide for sharing data by Jeff Leek’s group gives a detailed overview for data sharing best practices.
However, for neuroimaging or other complex data, consider the BIDS format.
Other helpful links
Open Science Initiatives:
- List of open science initiatives
- LMU Open Science Center
- SHERPA/RoMEO - Publisher copyright polices & self-archiving
- Talk: Maintaining privacy with open data by Ruben Arslan